VI Control Systems Products
- Fiber Optic/BNC Converters
Direct BNC Plug-In Interface for 68 Pin National Instruments Multifunction DAQ Cards
Fiber Optic Timing Generator Software and Hardware Package for 6602 Timing Boards
Fiber Optic Interface to National Instruments PCI/PXI 6602 Timing Board
8 Channel Sample & Hold and Signal Conditioning Board for Group3 Control
8 Channel Sample & Hold and Signal Conditioning Board for Group3 Control BCD
- Inexpensive RS-232 to Fiber Optic Converter
Inexpensive Connector Blocks for Interfacing to Ribbon Cables
Fiber Optic Cable: We sell 200 micron silica connectorized fiber that is compatible with the 1000 micron HP versatile link plastic fiber used with Group3 Control and all of VICS fiber optic products. This low-loss fiber can be up to 200 meters in length compared to 40 meters for the plastic fiber. Cost per fiber is $50 + $5/meter (i.e. a 10m fiber would cost $100).