Neal Pederson
PRESIDENT – (4/97 – Present)
VI Control Systems Ltd., Los Alamos, NM
· Upgraded control system on ACRR nuclear reactor at Sandia National Laboratory. Replaced existing control system with nine computers and custom LabVIEW programs that communicate with each other and National Instruments FieldPoint I/O hardware via Ethernet.
· Designed LabVIEW based control and test software for the following: 70 MEV LINAC, 1 MEV X-Ray Source, RF Amplifiers, Pulsed Ion Implantation Source, NASA Rocket Engine Tester, High Current Power Supply Controller/Data Logger, and numerous other systems.
· Designed LabVIEW based automated wafer test station. System uses GPIB to control a wafer probe station while testing two die at a time via National Instruments DAQ hardware and a custom interface circuit board.
· Designed hardware and wrote C software for a digital, analog, and timing I/O interface to a Rabbit Semiconductor microprocessor.
· Designed numerous signal conditioning and other control related hardware.
· Marketing and managing a small business.
JP Accelerator Works , Los Alamos, NM
· Completed design of LabVIEW based control system software for DECADE. DECADE is a 50 million dollar pulsed power system and its control system has over 2000 control I/O points on a Group3 Control fiber optic network that is controlled by two PC computers.
· Designed computer based control systems for other pulsed power and accelerator applications.
· Provided hardware and software computer based control and data acquisition system consulting services.
Physics International , San Leandro, CA
· Started DECADE control system design.
· Designed software and interface hardware for computer control and data acquisition systems using LabVIEW, PC I/O boards, SCXI, GPIB & RS-232 Instruments, VXI, and Group3 Control.
· Designed numerous control systems for pulsed power. Designs were digital and analog EMI/RFI protected control and monitor systems. Designs also included fiber optic data transmission.
· Managed design and fabrication of a mobile, computer-controlled microwave system. System included remote control of pulsed power system, stepper motors, magnet power supplies, high voltage power supply, and 6 GHz fiber optic links.
· Field engineered integration and trouble shooting of a large pulsed power control system at the customer’s location.
· Received pulsed power and Total Quality Management training.
AccSys Technology , Pleasanton, CA
· Designed PC data acquisition and analysis systems using LabVIEW, PC I/O boards, and GPIB Instruments.
· Created LabVIEW software that would acquire and analyze pulse data to align magnets in drift tube linear accelerators.
Los Alamos National Laboratory , Los Alamos, NM
· Designed, built and installed a Particle Beam Attenuator Control, Remote Oxygen Sensor, and Solid State Relay Drive.
M.S. in Electrical Engineering, December 1992
Northwestern Polytechnic University, Fremont, CA, GPA 3.94
Area of Interest : Systems and Signals
Graduate Project : Computer Control System for pulsed power
B.S. in Engineering Science/Electronics Option, May 1990
New Mexico Tech, Socorro, NM, GPA 3.24
Senior Design Project : Sonic Anemometer & Humidity Detector
LabVIEW Basic and Advanced Training Course, 1991
Work and Study in
Analog Electronics, Digital Electronics, Control Systems, Computer Control Systems, Fiber Optics, Microprocessors, Signal Processing, Receiver Systems, Data Acquisition, PLDs.
Computer Hardware and Software Expertise:
PCs, Windows 95/98/NT/2k/XP, DOS, LabVIEW, PCAD Schematic & Tango PCB, OrCAD, EasyCAD, Pascal, MS Office Professional.
Computer Hardware and Software Familiarity:
Macintosh, SCHEMA, AutoCAD, Anvil, PSPICE, Electronics Workbench, MathCAD, CUPL, Basic, C/C++, Assembly Language.
Electronic Equipment:
Computer DAQ Boards, Digital and Analog Oscilloscopes, Logic Analyzers, Multi-Meters, High Voltage Power Supplies, Function Generators, Group3 Control.
· Design and build circuits such as car alarms, sprinkler controller, and data acquisition hardware.
· Obtained master’s degree at night school while working full-time.
· Attend LabVIEW user group meetings.
· Read electronic and computer magazines and books.
· Married to an electrical engineer.
· Mountain bike, snowboard, golf.